Furnace repair in Ottawa is a service you need to be able to rely on. If you notice a burning smell while running your furnace, it stops abruptly, or you simply notice your furnace is not working as it should, you need to have a trustworthy furnace service repair company to be there as soon as you need them, and to fix your furnace right. If your furnace is not working as it should, contact Draft Control. You can depend on us to send one of our experienced technicians out right away to get your unit repaired and working again.

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5 Signs You Need Furnace Repair in Ottawa


Doing regular maintenance on your unit can go a long way to help prevent your furnace from needing expensive repairs down the road. Catching a problem early could mean the difference between a minor repair or a more expensive one or even a replacement. However, it may not always be obvious that your furnace needs repair. Here are some signs that can help you detect any problem early and avoid costly repairs.  


1. You Smell Something Burning When You Turn On Your Furnace

Depending on when you smell burning will determine whether or not you need to call for a furnace technician to come and take a look at it.

First Time of the Season:

If you are turning your furnace on for the first time of the season, then you will often smell something burning. This is usually just the dust and debris that has collected and built up on a burner over the summer months burning off. If the smell goes away fairly quickly and you don’t notice it again, then your furnace is probably fine. However, it is a good idea to get your furnace serviced at the beginning of the colder season to make sure that it is functioning properly.

Each Time Your Furnace Is Operating:

If you notice a burning smell each time your furnace comes on and it doesn’t go away, you definitely want to get it checked out. The burning smell could be a result of your unit overheating. If your furnace is electrical, you could also smell something burning as a result of an electrical issue. Either way, if you have a burning smell and it isn’t going away, you should call for a repair as this situation could be very dangerous.

2. Your Furnace Starts Up, Runs Briefly, and Stops Abruptly


If your furnace is coming on, running for a short time and then stopping briefly, this is known as short-cycling. Short-cycling is a big problem in that it will negatively affect how efficient and effective your furnace is. If your furnace is constantly short-cycling it can eventually lead to costly repairs or even a total breakdown.

There are several reasons why your furnace may be short-cycling. These include:

Your filter may need changing:
 If your filter is dirty and clogged; your furnace may be cutting out due to overheating. It is a good practice to change your filter every three months if you have your fan set on “auto”. If you keep your fan on continuously then you should change your filter every 30 to 45 days.

Your furnace is too small for the size of your home:
 If your furnace has short-cycled from day one, then the unit installed is probably not big enough to the heat the total square footage of your home

You have a faulty thermostat or thermocouple: If this a new problem and your furnace was running efficiently in the past, then you may need to have your thermostat or thermocouple replaced or repaired.

Your combustion temperature is not safe:
 Again if this is a new occurrence, the combustion temperature may not be safe and this is causing your thermocouple to malfunction.

3. You Start to Hear Strange Noises Coming from Your Furnace

You will be used to the different noises your home makes, including your furnace. You should be very familiar with the sound it makes as the air is being forced through your duct-work and the sound when your unit starts up a cycle. If you start to hear unusual and unfamiliar sounds that you haven’t heard before coming from your furnace, it’s time to take notice. Call a professional to take a look at it if you hear any of the following before it becomes a serious issue:

  • Grinding
  • Screeching
  • Banging


4. Your Furnace Is Not Coming On at all

This one is probably the most obvious sign that you need a furnace repair. If your furnace has totally stopped running and isn’t coming on at all, it’s time to call for a furnace repair specialist.


5. Your Furnace Hasn’t Been Serviced

As we said previously, regular maintenance goes a long way to help prevent unnecessary and costly repairs. If your furnace has not been regularly maintained, now is the time to begin. If you have purchased a new home, find out if the furnace has had regular maintenance done and if it is due for a service. You should have your furnace serviced once every twelve months, usually before the cold season begins. Regular maintenance involves more than just cleaning out the debris that has built up over time. A trained gas fitter will also be able to calibrate the gas pressure on your gas valve and conduct a complete combustion analysis. Regular maintenance will improve your furnace’s efficiency and safety and well as help it to last longer.

Draft Control – For the Best Furnace Repair in Ottawa


Draft Control HVAC is a highly trusted heating and air conditioning company servicing the East Ottawa region. Unlike other companies, we focus on our customers and their complete satisfaction, not on the brands that we sell.  Whether you require installation, repair, or maintenance for your furnace, air conditioner, water heater, gas BBQ and fireplace, or boiler; Draft Control is there for you. Contact us today for all your heating and cooling needs..